12 June 2013

From Fear to Courage to Humanity

I am afraid.  I admit it.  Fear is what drives me.  The need to overcome it and not let it rule my life.  Much of what my life has become has been made based on choices to push against that fear or kowtow to it.  And so, stories of courage and people overcoming despite fear enthrall me, draw me in, and peak my curiosity.

How much does can the human condition take before it revolts? What is the critical point where the need to stand up overrides the fear of consequences? Do we choose to join in when one person stands up or does it have to be a handful that stands up at the same time?  These questions echo through my mind as I wrestle to overcome in my own life.

We saw the fall of the wall in East Berlin due to the change of group mind and now, we're seeing protests in Turkey.
The heartfelt message I received from my Turkish friend resonates deeply with the humanity within me.

"...it's been a harrowing 2 weeks. There is a constant knot in my stomach. I have experienced tear gas and water cannons. It's really unbelievable the terror we live in at the moment but you know what? Also all this was very good for Turkey. This uprising needed to happen. I can physically see higher consciousness and collective consciousness appear. It's amazing. Up until now, we were living in a state where I didn't believe that Turkish people could feel social responsibility as individuals. The uprising that I have experienced in the last 2 weeks has been overwhelming. It's beautiful and it makes me proud."

The response above speaks to the innate hope that resides in each of us that lies dormant or forgotten as we get wrapped up in our lives as individuals.  It is the greater group mind beyond the self that resonates and leaves waves of action in its wake.

Will I always have these questions?  Probably.  But I'm glad that the need for change and the resiliency of the human spirit to overcome fear will always  be at the heart of the answers.