08 June 2005

Alice the insomniac

My first Blog ever. I didn't even know what a Blog was until about 3 months ago. A part of me thinks it outrageous to even have one. What is there about my life that is worth reading? I've always loved adventures; international and domestic. So... I figure, a trip to Seattle here...a trip to Hawaii and Turkey there and somewhere hiding in the midst of it all is a good adventure.

Some of you know me as Ali (pronounced alley puhleeeeze not aahhhlee ) and others of you know me as Alice but does it really matter either way? I'm hoping to link some of the stories and photos from my Italy, Prague, England, and Taiwan trips here too.

More to come. In the wee hours of the morning while the tip of my nose is still cool from the chill of the night and the only sounds are the keys of my Mac and the distant sound of L.A. interstate traffic in the darkness at around 2:30AM - it's time to try to figure out what to make of this Blog since sleep is obviously very, very, very far away. *sigh*

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