"Happy Stay!"
I close the door on the dog's face, walk a few steps, and open the another door that leads to the kitchen.
"Okay Moxie!"
A short little energetic dog wobbles inside wagging his tail furiously.
This has been my week. The dogs have been at each other's necks...literally. Happy took a clamp on Moxie's neck on Monday and he's wounded. So now my week consists of keeping them separate and trying my best to keep house time even between them. It's definitely a balancing act.
I'm dog-sitting two dogs for a week at my friend's home and have been away from blogging because my new apartment doesn't have electricity yet. But, all of my stuff except for kitchen stuff and shoes have already been moved over. (I'm working on an old IBM. I mean ooold, so if I cut off you'll know why.)
I wasn't sure whether or not I had set up my electricity to start on August 1st or the 15th but just before this, I learned that it was indeed the 1st so right after my week of dogsitting I can actually work into the night organizing my new place instead of trying to work by crankshaft flashlight and getting tired of trying and going back to my old place. And most of all, the best invention ever! Air Conditioning!
My mind has been churning. As I peel away the plastic from the Turkey Ham deli meat, I remind myself that Turkey is only 2 weeks away. I've not packed. I'm not even ready in any shape, way or form other than my Malaria medication and my Visa.
Organize my home.
Pack for Turkey.
Scramble like crazy to get to the airport.
I think that's what my week will be. What am I doing? Where is all my time going?!? Panic ensues!
Remember to breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Okay. Moving is nothing new. In the 12 years between high school through after University I'd moved 13 times. It's just a bit different now. It's been awhile.
The computer's flashing funny errors at me. And..
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