24 October 2007

Middle Child

I was reading in some magazine or e-news item about birth order and how it affects who you are.

They said first born children become CEO's and are conservative but good at excelling. And the youngest children take more risks. Even if they become CEO's they manage differently and they are more likely to try new ideas and they're more likely to crash and burn but are really good at get up afterwards because they're used to it.

Middle children. Middle children...are a conundrum. They can go either way and nobody can predict middle children like they can the first child and the last child. They're a mystery. The nut scientists and sociologists would like to crack.

Nice to know...since I'm surrounded by 'em. Both siblings and both parents are or were scientists/engineers. **hee hee** But also very odd since there are probably more middle children out there than first and last children. What are we? Invisible? [inside middle child joke ;)] Yes, yes, invisible.

And what of only children? Or children who are of a different generation than their siblings? (My friend Will is the fourth [I think] child of his mother but the first for his father.) Curiouser & Curiouser.

I'm especially curious to see my new upcoming nephew grow up and adjust to the world. How he interacts with his older brother. How he behaves being the youngest. And possibly, how he behaves as an older sibling if another little one comes along. And then, if he does have a younger sibling--how he develops into the mystery of the middle child.

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