14 March 2018

Trains, Stairs, and a Hotel

After a full day of walking around Firenze, it was nice to sit for a few hours on a train.  I took the time to nap & read about Mark Watney in The Martian.  We were tired but little did we know that was the beginning of a loooong trek.  Here is Scott at our transfer point for the train into Venice island.

After arriving in Venice, it was about 8:50 PM. It was dark.  Apple maps told us it would take us about 35 minutes to walk.  I don't think Apple maps took into account that we had some really heavy pieces of luggage.  I'm lucky, my luggage transforms from a rolling suitcase into a backpack that I can attach my little backpack to.  Thus, the Alice's Camel has two humps photo back in Roma that I posted.  Scott, on the other hand, has a standard backpack and a standard rolly suitcase that is filled with HEAVY stuff. 

If you don't know anything about Venice, let me tell you one thing.  It is not ADA accessible.  It was built before ADA accessibility.  So, any time you come across a canal -- and there are ohhhh sooooo many -- there are stairs up to the bridge and back down the other side.  Try hauling a heavy suitcase up and down over 13 bridges and you get some very tired people.  Mine was easier because it was on my back but the straightaways were harder for me than for Scott.  So it evened out.  We got to our hotel and our backs and arms and legs and feet were sore and sweaty.

Here's the hotel Scott chose.  I wonder if you can see a theme forming...
It's a cute and tiny room.  Very European in style.  Bathroom...

Closet area with a pocket door separating it from...

...the bedroom.
There's a tea and coffee corner one flight up and...in the corner of the hallway.  It's cute.
Breakfast is provided. :)

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