23 October 2005

Between a Rock and a Hive Place

Riding along the 118 freeway and exiting at the Topanga Canyon exit, a series of rocks rises out of nowhere like little teeth, or actually piles of poop in the middle of the desert.

During our group's decision to climb these rock towers, we missed two earthquakes that hit Los Angeles during the day. But nature did attack in other ways...during the last 15 minutes of climbing Scott was attacked by a bee and was stung on his forehead. (He's okay.)

Aside from the photos, we return with souvenirs of sore forearms, scraped hands, arms, heads (we forgot the helmet at home) and one bee sting.

Up next... a bigger pile of poop!

09 October 2005

I thought I was a Geek

Well, after over 7 days of staying up until the wee hours of the morning (3-4:30AM) I finally gave up on putting together my wireless network by myself. The Mac works wonderfully. (Yey Mac! "Mac or PC?"entry) No problems with the d-link router. The PC's are the problem. And printing wirelessly is a problem too. *sigh*

I used to think I was technologically minded. That I was a geek. Well, this week I found that my geekdom has found it's limits. D-link customer support couldn't help so I called in the Geek Squad. They're coming on Wednesday. How wimpy is that? That I'm such a failure as a geek that I had to call in a substitute?


I think I'll go shuffle over to my pile of database and work with it while I play Wei-qi/Go on my second monitor.


And maybe I'll put on my big framed glasses so my blind self can see what I'm doing and wipe my nose with a sleeve that's not there.


Or maybe I should call my friend who's been bugging me to join her die casting gaming group and join in...

...hmmm maybe I'm not a geek. Maybe I'm just a nerd.