19 September 2009

Shy Away


"What just happened?"

"He did?"

"Does that mean anything?"

"Why are guys so confusing?"

My brain slow to work from fatigue churns out the questions after about a minute. One of the things I never learned very well growing up as an Asian in Wisconsin is how to flirt.

From watching friends' babies and my nephew it is my believe that flirting is inherent. We know how from birth.

So, what happened in-between then and now? And why, as an adult, have I been horrible at knowing when a male is flirting and when they're just being friendly? We were never allowed to date in High School. Could that be it?

It's the University of Minnesota and I'm standing outside the dorm cafeteria. Two guys come up behind me and talk at me but not to me. What they say, I can't even remember. I was so shy I just stared at the poster on the wall with some glances their way and they eventually just got disgusted that I didn't say anything and took off.

Life has a way of flipping things around on you and now I'm an actor and I've overcome a lot of that shyness standing in front of strangers doing and saying things I never would in real life. But one thing I still have trouble with, despite having had long term relationships, is understanding when men are flirting to be friendly or flirting because they're interested.

My tendency to to assume the first and not the second. I figure, if they're really interested they'll just ask for a number or a date or say something. Right? And at least now, I'll say something back.