12 October 2006


My brother's getting married next week. And I don't have a present. Now, I am not one that has difficulty getting presents for weddings. There's usually a creative twist with something meaningful behind it with custom wrappings.

But with my own brother, I'm stumped. It's like a shopping block. How do you get a meaningful present that will be enough to impart how much your own brother means to you? Nothing can measure up to that. All gifts that come flying through my brain aren't good enough or just aren't right for him and his upcoming bride.

If I didn't care about my brother it wouldn't be so hard. But he's my only brother and I've spend most of my life and all of his life knowing him.

In the end, we are a materialistic society and truly everything he literally needs he already has. Families in Africa would be grateful for 1/100th of what most of us Americans have. A magazine subscription is truly a non-essential luxury. It's all about food, water, air, clothing, and shelter.

So, back to the question of what to get. A donation to a charity? A nondescript gift card? A plunger with money stuffed inside?

Whatever it is, whatever it ends up being, the day belongs to them and what my gift is doesn't really matter does it? Ever?