19 March 2018

Venezia Day 2

The second day was spent in Venice/Venezia instead of heading to the outer islands.  We visited the Vivaldi museum with it's plethora of interesting musical instruments...

Walked down some sidewalks that dead ended at the canal/laguna.

Tried to get a private tour of the astronomical clock from a personal reference Scott had gotten but we failed to get in touch with anyone so just a outside photo.

Our gondolier was pretty awesome.  He speaks six languages and was super nice and knowledgeable about the city.  He's lived here all his life and has been a gondolier for over 21 years.

It was raining but it was still a cool experience.  We took the short trip but it was worth it.  I noticed some gondoliers would just be on their phones the whole time not talking but our guy was interacting with us and really good.

He told us that there are over 400 bridges connecting over one hundred little islands.  Venice is not one island but a conglomeration of a bunch of islands brought together by bridges and that is why there are so many canals.

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